Bratman and Colleagues Outline How Neuroscience can be Leveraged for Climate Change Research
Posted: 11/29/2023 (CSDE Research)
CSDE Affiliate Dr. Gregory Bratman co-authored work with colleagues in Nature Climate Change, titled “Leveraging neuroscience for climate change research“. Anthropogenic climate change poses a substantial threat to societal living conditions. Here, authors argue that neuroscience can substantially contribute to the fight against climate change and provide a framework and a roadmap to organize and prioritize neuroscience research in this domain. They outline how neuroscience can be used to: (1) investigate the negative impact of climate change on the human brain; (2) identify ways to adapt; (3) understand the neural substrates of decisions with pro-environmental and harmful outcomes; and (4) create neuroscience-based insights into communication and intervention strategies that aim to promote climate action. The paper is also a call to action for neuroscientists to join broader scientific efforts to tackle the existential environmental threats Earth is currently facing.